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Jun 23, 2020

Fr. Michael tells the congregants that Jesus and Jesus alone can reveal our identity in this Sunday parking lot Mass homily for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Jun 16, 2020

Deacon Steve Mitchell preached at the noon Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church for The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ and tells the congregants gathered for this parking lot Mass that we are united with others through our reception of the Eucharist. Deacon Steve goes on to discuss the history of...

Jun 8, 2020

Fr. Michael presided at the noon Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church for The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity and tells the congregants gathered for this parking lot Mass to keep their gaze fixed on Jesus.

Jun 8, 2020

This is Fr. Michael's homily from the Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School Graduation Mass held on June 4th.