Nov 24, 2014
Holy Church so exults and rejoices today in her Glorious King and Savior, Jesus! Why is Jesus not enthroned in your heart and over your life? As we allow Jesus to reign over all aspects of our life, we experience the transforming power of our Father's love and our own mission!
Nov 17, 2014
At times, we can live a life consumed by our preoccupations with work, family, finances, and our possessions. The Good News is that Jesus didn't die on the Cross so that we can be enslaved to such things. Jesus so desires to set us free so that we can discover our gifts and our Father's plan on our life!
Nov 10, 2014
God our Father is not indifferent about our presence in Church. He has taken the initiative and has a plan for our lives in Christ Jesus! In order to accomplish His plan, our Father wants to bring about a major renovation of our hearts.
Nov 3, 2014
Jesus, as we heard in today's Holy Gospel, so desires to walk with us, open our hearts to understand Sacred Scripture, and give us a glimpse of the vision of God! Jesus leads us to the gate of Heaven and opens to us a vision of the Church Triumphant, the Church Militant, and the Church Suffering.