Apr 29, 2018
Who are we and how do we tell others who we are? St John tells us: “Let us love in deed and in truth, and not just talk about it.” It is how we live our lives that identifies us as Christians. Love is our identity, our trademark, and our Christian uniform.
Apr 23, 2018
When we believe and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus with Faith, that same power that raised Him from the dead, now lives in us! The four circles of Love lead us to pass from death to Life, from fear to Freedom, and from hatred to Love. See what love the Father has bestowed on us to make us children...
Apr 17, 2018
The greatest act of God’s love for us is making us sons and daughters by His son, Jesus. Jesus has always appeared to those most needy and in need to be loved. We must do what is right and good to those closest to us, as well as those who are far from us. In doing so, we choose to become the source of Love; we...
Apr 17, 2018
God comes to us in Truth and in Love. Love conquers Sin just as the Cross conquered Death. Love is the motive behind all the good that we do, and it will always seek the Everlasting Good…because that’s where its Author dwells.
Apr 8, 2018
When we believe in Jesus, we are begotten by God! We become God’s sons and daughters.
Easter taught us that God loves us, both by His word and deed. How should we respond? By loving each other…both in word and deed!