May 26, 2015
How beautiful and attractive a soul that has a lively faith in Jesus and a docility to the Holy Spirit! We see this in the lives of St. Paul and Silas: they had such faith in Jesus that even in the midst of trials, they knew that nothing could separate them from the love of Christ and that all things work unto the good...
May 12, 2015
A road trip to Caesarea, Ephesus, the Upper Room, and a surprise destination wil help us encounter Jesus and grow in our love for Him and one another!
May 8, 2015
That which Jesus is offering you is extraordinary! Let's get to know the story of Mother Theresa of Calcutta to discover what our life will look like if we say "Yes" to...
May 8, 2015
Why do we spend so many years with our mom and dad? What's the most important lesson we learn from our parents? Through our baptism and the Holy Eucharist, God our Father teaches us the very same...
May 8, 2015
Jesus desires to be your good shepherd! There are three things
Jesus will bring about if you accept His